Make It Your Time


Hello lovelies,

It is Wednesday and I figured it has been a while since I posted any installment of a Wise Wednesday so why not now?

During the start of the New Year we always see people make resolutions, these can range from the super generic “I will eat healthier” to the not so generic types of “I will take more pictures.” However, I also tend to see that as soon as people don’t get immediate results they resort to the ole “let’s look at other people living better lives and complain about how mine isn’t any better.” -_- Well lovelies, the last time I checked getting jealous and being a couch potato never got anyone what they wanted.

So what am I saying? Life is more in our hands than we ever thought, you can literally do anything at any given moment. You wanna travel? Start a gofundme, get a job, save up money, book a ticket and go. You wanna be a popular blogger? Well start a blog, post whatever your heart wishes and keep going. For goodness sakes do you want a boyfriend? Well meet people, do some searching, go out more.

All in all 2016 is a year where I have begun to see changes, I see more tweets and posts on how people are determined to make 2016 their year and how they will make something out of it.

Lovelies, I think we should all try to do that. Kick those addictions,travel, get a job, make money, fall in love, dance like no one’s watching, sing at the top of your lungs. It’s your life and you got this.


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